
Universal Firmware For Huawei B593s-22

Universal Firmware For Huawei B593s-22 Rating: 6,7/10 6471 reviews

I recently bought a Huawei B593s-22 modem with a free EE 4G internet trial from a chap who didn't want it. Unfortunately, there is no EE coverage where I live so I'm trying to unlock the modem for use with a different ISP since it's a good product in its own right.

Normally, unlocking should not represent a problem but this unit is playing hard to get. It seems that EE may have put customised firmware on the B593 which prevents normal unlocking software from accessing it.

Quite often the error is simply 'modem not found'. So I've tried to put generic firmware on the unit to return it to a vanilla Huawei device suitable for unlocking. Still problems! An 'online upgrade package' executeable fails because it can't find a port. Trying a local update through the modem's GUI fails on a 'file verification' of some sort. I'm pretty sure the firmware files I'm trying to upload are good. Anyone got any ideas?

Please note I have nothing against EE - I just can't use them as an ISP. Does the modem ask you for a NUC/unlock code when you insert a different SIM card? Usually you just just need to enter a code to unlock a dongle or MiFi device once you insert a different SIM card without having to re-flash the firmware. These can usually either be purchased off eBay etc or if you are lucky you may find a free NUC code generator off the net. I managed to unlock a EE Huawei E392 and an EE Alcatel L800 dongle by this method. I paid about £1 for each off eBay as the person sent me the NUC code as they probably just used a NUC code generator based on the device's IMEI. Yep - it ony asks for an unlock code when I insert a different SIM.

The 'locked SIM' symbol also illuminates. Neither happens when in insert the EE SIM. I came across a few places on the net that claim to unlock these devices but have yet to find one that works. I only have 5 more goes with the SIM I want to use.

Universal firmware for android tablet

I tried DC-unlocker but that wouldn't recognise my unit and their support people reckoned it was because of customised firmware. Hence wanting to change the latter. If you have a suggested site based on your experience perhaps you could point me to it?

I have already provided the unlocking solution of 4G CPE router. Recently, in various countries customized firmware B593s routers have been released and does not allow to unlock it. This article is dedicated to those persons who are facing problem in unlocking his B593s devices. Download unlocked. Download and install 3.80 or a later version in the default installation path C: Program Files WinRAR.

Firmware Finder Huawei

How to Flash the Firmware of Huawei B593s 4G CPE LTE Router Free? Connect the B593s to PC and assign the static IP address to the PC network port connected to the HUB to 2. Open the downloaded Huawei B593s multicast upgrade software.

Huawei Router Firmware

Click on refresh to refresh the network card list, and then select the network card whose IP address is 3. Click Open, and then a dialog box for selecting the upgrade file is displayed. Select the upgrade package B593s.bin, and then click Open. Below the File Path box, if the version number is displayed as the error information such as Error file version or Analyse time-out, it indicates that the upgrade package is incorrect. Click Start to start sending multicast packets. After the successful upgrade is complete, all the five signal indicators will be ON on the router.

Huawei flasher

Now, Click Stop to stop sending multicast packets. Close the B593s multicast tool. Power off the HUB and enjoy the B593s CPE router. If your B593s 4G CPE router does not allow the change or create the new APN, then 1. Open and login as ‘user’ user-name. Go to System tab.

Find Upload Configuration File and choose file jhosherxx.conf from PC which you have already downloaded. After uploading message will popup click ok and wait until the device reboots. Now, you can easily create the profile in your B593s router.